About us


Support is now available via:
We're also open to suggestions / feature requests!
It's our hope that this site breeds some friendly rivaly and is meant to be nothing more than a bit of fun.
See you on the battlegrounds!


How can I donate?

A number of people have kindly offered donations to keep the site running. Admittedly, it's inexpensive to run this site (about £20 / month) But if you really want to, you can donate here!

How do I reset my password?

Get in touch via:

Why isn't my clan on the leaderboards?

For a clan to be included on the leaderboards, they must have at least 4 members and someone from your clan must have either:
a. Registered on this site themselves or
b. Been added by a registered user.


Weekly, we scan the last 20 games of all players to work out what percentage of the enemies they faced were bots.
As a guide, anything up to around 10% is roughly normal.
Any more than 10% and those players will be excluded from the Awards page & leaderboards.
If a player has been playing games with > 88% bots, casual mode / non-cross, then they will have a permanent 🤖 logo by their name and be excluded from the Awards & leaderboards.
Due to many people being caught out during late night solo/duo games and with pubg bugs - we now use a 3 strike system. 3 games over 88% bots will get you the bot logo and excluded from the leaderboards.
This will be reset at the start of the each season.

Why is a player (or many players) not showing up in my clan?

Each player has to either register to the site themselves, or be added by someone else to be included in the overall clan stats and for them to show up in the clan breakdown section.
We are automatically adding people in the background, but it's a very slow process, however, the more regular a player they are, the sooner they will likely show up.

How often is the data refreshed?

Clans are added when either:
a. our automation scripts find new ones or
b. when a player registers or is added to the site.
Players, player data and clan data are all refreshed daily.

Why does the site look like crap?

We're working on it - function first, style later!